我覺得, 以侵侵呢個人唔衰得既性格, 又經常反復, 好有可能最後都會有第二場辯論.
知唔知撐侵同反侵有乜分別? Biden上次debate衰咗, 民主黨嗰邊就果斷到逼Biden退選. 上次係侵講得好咩? 明顯唔係, 而係Biden太差. 今次一樣, Harris要贏, 唔需要佢辯論得好, 只要侵表現差就得. Harris依家係VP, VP係基本上無任何權力, 所以佢點解依家唔做呢種白癡問題就唔好問啦.
如果要老實講, 就係辯論上, 兩邊都無講任何實質嘢, 兩邊都經常無直接答問題. 但一邊就表現得專業, 一邊就亂咁嗡, 中曬對方既陷阱, 邊一邊衰咗, 公道就自在人心.
美國人係需要揾一個可以迎接未來挑戰, 對抗危機既領袖, Harris有冇呢種能力就未知, 但4年前疫情一事, 就足以表明佢無呢種能力. 記唔記得Bob Woodward 4年前既訪問, 佢係點樣明知有危機, 向大眾都講到好似無事咁?
Abortion本來Roe v Wade好哋哋, 係邊死耶向左走向右走要推翻, 既然推翻咗, 咪接受人民既審判囉.
Chris Matthews: “Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no, as a principle?”
Trump: "The answer is there has to be some form of punishment"
Chris Matthews: " For the women?"
Trump: "Yes"
"If Congress were to pass legislation making abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation, or any state were permitted to ban abortion under state and federal law, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman. The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb. My position has not changed — like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions." - Trump, March 30, 2016
懲罰醫生, 禁止醫生去幫人墮胎, 是否反墮胎?