高登討論區 HKGolden
又白卡發作有料出聲, 無料同我Stop la我幾時有講過「烏軍就打到去 莫斯科」?
又白卡發作有料出聲, 無料同我Stop la
又白卡發作有料出聲, 無料同我Stop la咁我算有料定冇料?The claim also appears in an article by the Russian disinformation network Pravda, published on a Swedish-language version of the site.While Sweden's leading news publications, such as the public broadcaster SVT, have covered the attack in Poltava, none have reported any Swedish casualties. Furthermore, an online search with related Swedish keywords yields no results from credible media institutions.The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Logically Facts that there are currently no reports that any Swedish citizens have been hurt or killed in the attack.At present, Swedish troops, like those of other EU countries, do not train Ukrainian soldiers on Ukrainian territory, and a request from Kyiv to consider training soldiers inside the country has been met with resistance from many member states of the bloc.
走佬 戰爭下的政壇強震:烏克蘭部長接連去職 俄烏停火已經不遠了?(HK01)2024-09-05 14:05原文網址: 戰爭下的政壇強震:烏克蘭部長接連去職 俄烏停火已經不遠了? | 香港01 https://www.hk01.com/article/1054578?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_mehim=referralhttps://www.hk01.com/%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90/1054578/%E6%88%B0%E7%88%AD%E4%B8%8B%E7%9A%84%E6%94%BF%E5%A3%87%E5%BC%B7%E9%9C%87-%E7%83%8F%E5%85%8B%E8%98%AD%E9%83%A8%E9%95%B7%E6%8E%A5%E9%80%A3%E5%8E%BB%E8%81%B7-%E4%BF%84%E7%83%8F%E5%81%9C%E7%81%AB%E5%B7%B2%E7%B6%93%E4%B8%8D%E9%81%A0%E4%BA%86
假新聞之王 防守型前鋒 防守型前鋒 : 烏軍就打到去 莫斯科
又白卡發作有料出聲, 無料同我Stop la幾位將校/ 軍事專家無講錯
輸到烏克蘭D 高官都走佬 仲拿D假新聞出來死撐
#19 Show Blocked User - 小范#20 Show Blocked User - 小范#21 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#23 Show Blocked User - 小范#24 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#25 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#27 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#28 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒白卡黨 嬲嬲豬
#19 Show Blocked User - 小范#20 Show Blocked User - 小范#21 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#23 Show Blocked User - 小范#24 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#25 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#27 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#28 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒白卡黨 嬲嬲豬 #32 Show Blocked User - 自由之子#33 Show Blocked User - 電光火石間#34 Show Blocked User - 自由之子#37 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒#38 Show Blocked User - 防守型前鋒我拿將校, 軍事專家出來, 一擊必殺 假新聞之王 黃絲白卡黨 嬲嬲豬
又白卡發作有料出聲, 無料同我Stop la咁我算有料定冇料?The claim also appears in an article by the Russian disinformation network Pravda, published on a Swedish-language version of the site.While Sweden's leading news publications, such as the public broadcaster SVT, have covered the attack in Poltava, none have reported any Swedish casualties. Furthermore, an online search with related Swedish keywords yields no results from credible media institutions.The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Logically Facts that there are currently no reports that any Swedish citizens have been hurt or killed in the attack.At present, Swedish troops, like those of other EU countries, do not train Ukrainian soldiers on Ukrainian territory, and a request from Kyiv to consider training soldiers inside the country has been met with resistance from many member states of the bloc.阿魯白卡剩係識自言自語 又被我再一次踢爆散怖fake news
又白卡發作有料出聲, 無料同我Stop la咁我算有料定冇料?The claim also appears in an article by the Russian disinformation network Pravda, published on a Swedish-language version of the site.While Sweden's leading news publications, such as the public broadcaster SVT, have covered the attack in Poltava, none have reported any Swedish casualties. Furthermore, an online search with related Swedish keywords yields no results from credible media institutions.The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Logically Facts that there are currently no reports that any Swedish citizens have been hurt or killed in the attack.At present, Swedish troops, like those of other EU countries, do not train Ukrainian soldiers on Ukrainian territory, and a request from Kyiv to consider training soldiers inside the country has been met with resistance from many member states of the bloc.阿魯白卡剩係識自言自語 又被我再一次踢爆散怖fake news阿魯白卡咁向左走向右走愛國識向左走向右走睇洋文咩!
北約點會放自己D人去打緊仗地方TRAIN人?白卡佬一D常職都無?唔係 邊度 TRAIN 人 低b , 講野都唔用腦今次殺係大量北約雇傭軍 , 包括 電子戰 , 愛國者, 預警機 ... 精英軍官烏克蘭軍極大量死傷 , 現在北約要雇傭軍身份參戰