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您現在聚腳在 動漫台內。

【再負荊請罪】全新高登官方app HKG正式上架 會員永久免廣告

或者有巴打會講,寫好隻app自然會有人回家。我唔否認自己曾經都抱過呢種僥倖心態,但沉思過後,我明白其實只係寫好一隻app並不足夠,要為高登會員做o既事情實在太多,包括提升網速同改善伺服器穩定、維護自由o既討論空間、鼓勵會員參與創作及討論等。因為,高登最珍貴o既係每一位會員,所以落足心力滿足會員訴求係高登o既首要任務。 ......
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Vtuber 集中討論區(52)
1001 個回應
Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN已將評論置頂
21 分鐘前
hello thank you all so much for the kind comments and wishes
To sum everything up: I will be concluding my general activities such as streaming, event participation, and regular content. BUT every once in a while, I will be participating in different Hololive projects! This is a new step for every one, so please wait patiently to see where it goes
I did get a little emotional as so many memories of amazing times on stream with chat and friends flew through my mind though...sorry about that

please read the official post here!
(and just to clear up some misconceptions: I will not be joining Staff, but if anyone ever needs any tech help, I will still try my best to assist if I can )


Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN已將評論置頂
21 分鐘前
hello thank you all so much for the kind comments and wishes
To sum everything up: I will be concluding my general activities such as streaming, event participation, and regular content. BUT every once in a while, I will be participating in different Hololive projects! This is a new step for every one, so please wait patiently to see where it goes
I did get a little emotional as so many memories of amazing times on stream with chat and friends flew through my mind though...sorry about that

please read the official post here!
(and just to clear up some misconceptions: I will not be joining Staff, but if anyone ever needs any tech help, I will still try my best to assist if I can )


唔怪得唔算畢業, 又留皮又第日再合作, 應該真係搵到新方向, 唔再專注幕前



追返奏d vod同clip睇


兔田開鎗打爆收銀機先嚟出血「累」低[sosad] [sosad] [sosad]


Lamy同船長[noic]cl [sosad]cl

Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN已將評論置頂
21 分鐘前
hello thank you all so much for the kind comments and wishes
To sum everything up: I will be concluding my general activities such as streaming, event participation, and regular content. BUT every once in a while, I will be participating in different Hololive projects! This is a new step for every one, so please wait patiently to see where it goes
I did get a little emotional as so many memories of amazing times on stream with chat and friends flew through my mind though...sorry about that

please read the official post here!
(and just to clear up some misconceptions: I will not be joining Staff, but if anyone ever needs any tech help, I will still try my best to assist if I can )


唔怪得唔算畢業, 又留皮又第日再合作, 應該真係搵到新方向, 唔再專注幕前


Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN已將評論置頂
21 分鐘前
hello thank you all so much for the kind comments and wishes
To sum everything up: I will be concluding my general activities such as streaming, event participation, and regular content. BUT every once in a while, I will be participating in different Hololive projects! This is a new step for every one, so please wait patiently to see where it goes
I did get a little emotional as so many memories of amazing times on stream with chat and friends flew through my mind though...sorry about that

please read the official post here!
(and just to clear up some misconceptions: I will not be joining Staff, but if anyone ever needs any tech help, I will still try my best to assist if I can )


唔怪得唔算畢業, 又留皮又第日再合作, 應該真係搵到新方向, 唔再專注幕前



即係可以當係客串成員咁睇 v唔再係佢main career
至於main career 係圈內定圈外就似乎冇提


Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN已將評論置頂
21 分鐘前
hello thank you all so much for the kind comments and wishes
To sum everything up: I will be concluding my general activities such as streaming, event participation, and regular content. BUT every once in a while, I will be participating in different Hololive projects! This is a new step for every one, so please wait patiently to see where it goes
I did get a little emotional as so many memories of amazing times on stream with chat and friends flew through my mind though...sorry about that

please read the official post here!
(and just to clear up some misconceptions: I will not be joining Staff, but if anyone ever needs any tech help, I will still try my best to assist if I can )


唔怪得唔算畢業, 又留皮又第日再合作, 應該真係搵到新方向, 唔再專注幕前






Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN已將評論置頂
21 分鐘前
hello thank you all so much for the kind comments and wishes
To sum everything up: I will be concluding my general activities such as streaming, event participation, and regular content. BUT every once in a while, I will be participating in different Hololive projects! This is a new step for every one, so please wait patiently to see where it goes
I did get a little emotional as so many memories of amazing times on stream with chat and friends flew through my mind though...sorry about that

please read the official post here!
(and just to clear up some misconceptions: I will not be joining Staff, but if anyone ever needs any tech help, I will still try my best to assist if I can )


唔怪得唔算畢業, 又留皮又第日再合作, 應該真係搵到新方向, 唔再專注幕前







BAU BAU黃鴨電單車[sosad] [sosad] [sosad]

Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN已將評論置頂
21 分鐘前
hello thank you all so much for the kind comments and wishes
To sum everything up: I will be concluding my general activities such as streaming, event participation, and regular content. BUT every once in a while, I will be participating in different Hololive projects! This is a new step for every one, so please wait patiently to see where it goes
I did get a little emotional as so many memories of amazing times on stream with chat and friends flew through my mind though...sorry about that

please read the official post here!
(and just to clear up some misconceptions: I will not be joining Staff, but if anyone ever needs any tech help, I will still try my best to assist if I can )


唔怪得唔算畢業, 又留皮又第日再合作, 應該真係搵到新方向, 唔再專注幕前








ame唔係有咁大動機轉生既人,而D對話同條件,ame似乎有好大條件同holo 討價還價


粉狼中左架蘿蔔車 [shocking]

Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN已將評論置頂
21 分鐘前
hello thank you all so much for the kind comments and wishes
To sum everything up: I will be concluding my general activities such as streaming, event participation, and regular content. BUT every once in a while, I will be participating in different Hololive projects! This is a new step for every one, so please wait patiently to see where it goes
I did get a little emotional as so many memories of amazing times on stream with chat and friends flew through my mind though...sorry about that

please read the official post here!
(and just to clear up some misconceptions: I will not be joining Staff, but if anyone ever needs any tech help, I will still try my best to assist if I can )


唔怪得唔算畢業, 又留皮又第日再合作, 應該真係搵到新方向, 唔再專注幕前







day 4 siu4[sosad]


高登主頁 » 討論區 » 動漫台

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